About Us

Who are we?

Times are changing and so is the mentality of the consumers.

YouthTribe was created, with a unique purpose, helping other brands communicate with people between the ages of 15 and 25 

Creating and developing partnerships with other brands or entities that allow us to come up with solutions to attract the young people’s attention in their individual communities, creating long and strong relationships with brands


Unimidia is a young brand, born from the desire to develop digital communication for college students  

Who are this young people

Gen Z and part of The Young Millennials in Portugal


Ages between

0 %
Population ratio
0 M
They are


Some were born in the smartphone and internet era, others had a childhood with it

Fragile economy

They always have lived in a world with a fragile economy , so they live by YOLO


Worried about their planet and with a free and digital way to be in life